Passive Fundraising With Scrip: Little effort, big donations

There are two primary kinds of fundraising that organizations use to increase donations: active fundraising, which requires large amounts of time and resources (like a car wash), and passive fundraising, which goes on in the background and requires little effort on your club’s part. Traditional scrip fundraising falls somewhere between active and passive. Clubs are required to purchase gift certificates or cards from participating merchants at a discounted rate, then sell them at full value to … [Read more...]

BoosterNews: It’s a Good Time to Thank Your Donors

Make a list, check it twice, and be sure to acknowledge those who’ve supported your organization over the past year. It takes a little time to do it right, but it’s a simple task and there are lots of reasons to make the effort. One reason is that some of your donors may feel unacknowledged due to mistakes made by volunteers in the past. A friend of mine recently told me that she stuck her neck out to get her company to donate auction items to the local elementary school. She had to pester all … [Read more...]

Stakeholder Engagement: The Art of Sharing Success

What exactly is stakeholder engagement, in the context of booster clubs? We've written before about how booster clubs need to consult with their closest stakeholders, such as parents and financial supporters. Booster clubs are also affected by the decisions of other groups, such as school boards. Those institutions and their administrators are also stakeholders.  We've tweeted a few stories recently about that other type of stakeholder, and in this article we’ll discuss school administrations, … [Read more...]

Fundraising Spotlight: The SABC Turf and Track Project

In Southern California, one high school booster club has taken on an ambitious task. The Scorpion Athletic Booster Club (SABC) in Camarillo began fundraising this fall for their Turf Field Project, a $1.7 million plan to install artificial turf on the Camarillo High School athletic field and resurface the track. The center of the field has been worn through by years of games and practices, and students even complain that the dirt patches are dangerous. The SABC acknowledges that the school … [Read more...]

11 Sports Fundraising Ideas for Booster Clubs

Looking to engage supporters in experiences instead of purchases? Sports fundraisers let supporters participate, and they’re not just for sports-related clubs. This list offers ideas on how to bring donors together to compete against their friends, neighbors, and family members. Any type of booster club can take advantage of the community feel that comes from these great games. Bocce tournament: probably the last fundraiser you’d think of. But it’s the best game for entire families to … [Read more...]


How Companies and Charities “Colorwash” Ever notice how every major cause today gets a color? Pink for breast cancer, green for the environment, red for AIDS--causes cover the rainbow and beyond. This kind of branding is effective, raising millions of dollars in the name of various organizations. Yet like most branding, the color codes have a great potential for abuse. With no clear standards for what counts as pink, green, or red products, fundraisers inevitably find themselves in conflict … [Read more...]

Booster News: Giving Tuesday (Dec. 3rd) Could Raise Funds for Your Booster Club

Harness the holidays for your booster club this year by publicizing “Giving Tuesday.” Unlike shopping focused Black Friday or Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday is all about charity in the local community. It’s a great opportunity to raise awareness about your booster club’s needs, and make a year’s-end ask of your supporters. How can your club associate itself with Giving Tuesday (December 3rd) and raise funds effectively? There’s still time to issue a press-release (or simply make a phone call) … [Read more...]

6 Life Lessons of Music, Singing and Band

Music touches us, literally, cascading vibrations from our instruments and massaging meaning into the neuroreceptors of our brains. Music also touches us figuratively, bringing us together and helping us bond. Anyone who’s learned to play an instrument or sung in a choir understands this intuitively. Yet how can booster club leaders illuminate this value in the community and rally their support? One answer: put on lots and lots of concerts with large audiences. In an age when digital consumers … [Read more...]

Compression Clothing Helps Athletes, But Is It Affordable for Booster Clubs?

Compression clothing isn't just a fad. Scientific studies have confirmed some of the benefits touted by manufacturers: compression in the threads helps reduce muscle fatigue and post workout recovery. That's probably due to how it groups muscles and absorbs impact stress. Some also claim that compression clothing helps circulation, in the same way that pro athletes rely on massages to clear the lactose out of their system after a strenuous workout. All in all, compression gear seems to benefit … [Read more...]

How To Raise Funds Inside Your Community: Partnering with local businesses for mutual gain

Local business can be a great fundraising source for booster clubs, and most are happy to help. Parents, friends, and fans of student clubs and teams are potential customers, and partnering with booster clubs can be beneficial for both parties — booster clubs can raise funds through established, profitable businesses, and business owners can expand their local client base. But many of these establishments are approached by numerous teams, clubs, and charities for donations, and end up having to … [Read more...]