Big head bobbing and kilt a-flutter, Hank the Highlander made his debut in January at a New Jersey high school, the first mascot to grace the court in Governor Livingston High history. The much-anticipated mascot was purchased by the Highlander Booster Club after much careful research, some creative brainstorming, and some good old fashioned democracy. Booster Club executive board members, parents, teachers, students, and school administrators worked together to design the costume, and students … [Read more...]
Club Recruiting: We want you!
It’s that time again: as we head toward summer, volunteer recruiting will top the agendas of most booster clubs. If your school doesn’t already have a club of its own, it’s the perfect time to start one! Rounding up officers can be a challenge, but there’ s no shortage of resources out there for fledgling clubs. Get the word out by contacting your local newspapers, broadcasting and radio stations. A brief, straightforward announcement like this one from the Shelter Island Booster Club packs a … [Read more...]
Hitting the Road: Buying a van
Booster clubs can make a number of significant contributions to athletic and extracurricular programs — between uniforms and facility renovations, the needs of student are many, and in many cases the responsibility has fallen on booster clubs to meet them. But all the new supplies in the world won’t do a team any good if they can’t get to their games. In South Dakota, the Sturgis school district booster club “Saw a need and they acted,” contributing $42,000 to the purchase of a new 15-passenger … [Read more...]
5 Things You Should Know About Mobile Concession Stands
These days, a snack at the ballgame is a whole lot more than peanuts and Cracker Jacks. Concession stands are stepping up their game, serving fresh, hot meals, and making a bundle in doing so. In Ohio, the Lowellville Rockets Booster Club relies on the money they make from serving up wedding soup and stuffed pepper sandwiches to buy uniforms for all of the school’s athletic teams — their concession stand is so profitable it’s “really the only fundraiser [they] do,” according to club volunteers. … [Read more...]