Why Booster Clubs Need Metrics

Compensating for budget cuts, but struggling to fundraise? Check your metrics. (This is the introduction to a series on metrics. Subsequent posts will be listed at the bottom of this page.) Schools are struggling. They've cut programs. They've cut staff. And what do schools cut first? Every booster club officer I talk to tells me that schools are cutting extracurricular programs. Less coaches. Less band instructors. Even activities like student government are being removed by schools who've … [Read more...]

4.5 Types of Booster Clubs

When it comes to booster clubs, size matters. I don’t mean the amount of people it serves, or volunteers it has, but rather the size and type of “turf” that it covers. Is the booster club responsible for an entire district? An entire school? The answer tells me right away many of its strengths and challenges. That's because booster clubs usually find themselves covering one of the following 4.5 scopes of turf. (Yes, there is one that’s only half different than the other 4.)  And there are a few … [Read more...]

6 Tips for Recruiting Booster Volunteers

In late spring and summer, recruitment dominates booster club agendas. Extracurriculars rely on booster club support, which in turn rely on a rich pool of volunteers. Both general and board member volunteer recruitment is a challenge, leaving booster clubs vulnerable. Booster club meetings I’ve attended at election time often include brainstorms about which person to ask to do what job. Frantic texts get sent to potential volunteers in the middle of meetings, and candidate lists are compiled … [Read more...]

How to Start a Booster Club

This is my step-by-step guide to starting a booster club. It’s intended to be a checklist, not an exhaustive manual. You can click links for more detailed advice on how to accomplish each step. I also put them in what I believe to be the correct order of tasks for starting a booster club. For example, you don’t want to register with the IRS with one mission statement, and then realize that the school doesn’t approve of its governance structure, or waste time trying to get a business bank account … [Read more...]

93 Fundraising Ideas for Booster Clubs

I put this list together to help get you started brainstorming the next perfect fundraiser for your booster club. Where indicated, the examples link to templates and checklists from actual booster clubs. These useful links can help you plan your own fundraisers. Most fundraisers listed here have actually been done, either by clubs I've interviewed, Boosterland contributors, or booster clubs in the news. Stay tuned for smaller thematic posts or “top tens” like sports fundraisers, and food … [Read more...]

Booster News: Buffett Offers Online Philanthropy Training

Many booster club officers know that their organizations are eligible for grants. Still, applying for grants from foundations can be frustrating. How do philanthropists decide where to donate? What measures of success are they looking for? This summer you can put yourself in your donors’ shoes with a free online course offered by Doris Buffett (Warren Buffett’s sister).  Don't delay, the class is today! You can sign up on Doris’ website learningbygivingfoundation.org Update 7/22/2013: … [Read more...]