Compression Clothing Helps Athletes, But Is It Affordable for Booster Clubs?

Compression clothing isn't just a fad. Scientific studies have confirmed some of the benefits touted by manufacturers: compression in the threads helps reduce muscle fatigue and post workout recovery. That's probably due to how it groups muscles and absorbs impact stress. Some also claim that compression clothing helps circulation, in the same way that pro athletes rely on massages to clear the lactose out of their system after a strenuous workout. All in all, compression gear seems to benefit … [Read more...]

12 Food Fundraisers

The key to a good food fundraiser is offering something that you can’t get at your average restaurant or store. Booster clubs can add value to food in many ways, but the main avenues are quality and atmosphere. Which gourmet foods are only found in fancy restaurants? Which meals fit in community events? These food fundraisers can help you leverage the existing strengths of your club into a successful event, so keep your circumstances in mind. Do you have many vegetarian supporters in your area? … [Read more...]

How to Cut A Budget Beforehand

Austerity Budgets What would your club do if a major revenue stream dried up, or if schools drastically cut your extracurricular funding? We see governments do this all the time: shutdown, sequestration, and austerity plans. Nonprofits and charities have had to face serious austerity budgets as well. After the economy collapsed in 2008, many charities had to decide which programs, staff, and other sectors to cut. Many weren't prepared. Booster clubs are very different than most … [Read more...]