What is the Ideal Committee Size?

C-O-M-M-I-T-T-E-E, double “M,” double “T,” double “E,”--even the word itself seems to have superfluous elements. Nine letters for a word that seems like it could get away with five or six. yet, “comite” doesn’t sound right, and “komity,” doesn’t look right. Luckily there’s an authoritative source--the dictionary--to prescribe the spelling of committee. There’s no authoritative source, however, which prescribes size of a committee. So we’re doing a study of our own. Boosterland needs your help … [Read more...]

Spend It This Year

What should a booster club do with an unexpected surplus? I attended a booster club meeting this spring where board members discussed this desirable dilemma in the context of their own school’s athletics program.  Some members wanted to save the surplus as a safety. Others wanted to spend the funds on useful items--neither essential nor frivolous--such as tractors to cut grass on athletic fields and netting to protect track athletes from stray lacrosse balls. After listening attentively to … [Read more...]

Does your help hurt?

Creating Dependency In developing countries, aid programs give things and services. They compensate for the state’s shortcomings in education, food, or shelter. I was reminded of this by a Forbes article which highlighted the failures of an NGO in Eastern Europe. By pursuing the classic charity model--giving locals things they didn’t have--the NGO created dependency on their services (mostly clothing and food programs). They choked development. Recognizing this, the NGO switched gears. Instead … [Read more...]

How Good Record-Keeping Saves Nonprofits from High-Turnover

Watching the 2000 film Memento again, I realized that high-turnover volunteer organizations such as booster clubs suffer from serious amnesia. In the film, 30-something Leonard can’t create new memories because of brain trauma suffered during an assault. Imagine a person who can’t remember the lessons of the past, or the opportunities set to present themselves in the future. Lacking a system of good record-keeping, that’s the situation of most booster clubs. In Memento, Leonard compensates for … [Read more...]

Mileage Deduction Bill Moves Through Congress at Snail’s Pace

Good news for booster club volunteers who drive:  Congress will consider a bill to increase mileage deduction for all volunteers who help a recognized 501(c)(3). A modest deduction is already available for mileage accrued in volunteer related activities, such as driving to events or transporting students as part of a carpool. If the increase passes, it will level the playing field for non-profits. The current system for deductions privileges business over non-profits. According to the IRS, … [Read more...]

5 Tips for Booster Club Continuity, From My Mom

Booster clubs host the same events year after year: awards ceremonies, car washes, and even crab feeds—if you’re in California. These booster club events are not unlike family holidays. My mother hosts Easter. While each Easter is a lot like the last, some things change: how many people come, how much food is required, and what side dishes need to be assigned. My mother has mastered this change by maintaining records. She can tell you, for each of the last 35 years, how many people attended, … [Read more...]

93 Fundraising Ideas for Booster Clubs

I put this list together to help get you started brainstorming the next perfect fundraiser for your booster club. Where indicated, the examples link to templates and checklists from actual booster clubs. These useful links can help you plan your own fundraisers. Most fundraisers listed here have actually been done, either by clubs I've interviewed, Boosterland contributors, or booster clubs in the news. Stay tuned for smaller thematic posts or “top tens” like sports fundraisers, and food … [Read more...]